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Image by Fuu J


My story

Since my early years, I have been captivated by people's motivations, values, and beliefs. I have always had a natural ability to help others discover their potential and achieve their goals, and I do it with confidence. One of the things that sets me apart is my ability to listen attentively and empathetically, without any judgment. By holding up a mirror to people and showing them how unique and beautiful they are, I have guided them towards greater self-awareness and personal growth.


In 2022, I experienced a significant life event that led me to seek guidance from a therapist. This journey ultimately led me to discover my true passion for life coaching, a journey that has transformed my life in countless positive and empowering ways. Through my own self-exploration and coaching studies, I have gained a deeper understanding of my own values, needs, and beliefs, and have developed a signature coaching style that combines NLP, Japanese Life Philosophy, and other life coaching practices.


Now, I am eager to share my experience with others and help guide them towards their own transformative journey. I offer tailored coaching packages that are customized to meet each individual's unique needs and goals. During our sessions, there is no need to perform or meet any expectations - this is a safe and trusted space where you can focus entirely on yourself, without any fear of judgment or criticism. All I ask is that you come with a willingness to change and embrace a happier, more harmonious life. With me as your coach and guide, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

Sophie coach

What is coaching for me ...

A coach's most important value is to be able to hold a clear, non-judgemental mirror in front of you. She creates an extraordinary coaching environment for you where are able to see how great potential you have that hasn't been seen so far. 

She empowers you to voice your thoughts, fears, doubts and feelings and invites you to explore your inner and outer truth and eliminate your limiting thoughts.

When you go away from the life coaching/career coaching and mentoring/confidence coaching session you will be clear on what you can do to manage and act to make your dream come true. 

When you have a whole program of coaching you step by step grow and build a new and better life with the power to achieve all your goals with your present potential and future actions. 

By the end of a coaching program, you meet your better self and have the right practices in hand with a new and positive mindset to improve your life every day. 

As Japanese people say: This is when you live in KAIZEN.

Let’s Work Together

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